Develop your psychic abilities
Psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, aura vision, precognition, psychometry, telepathy, channeling, spiritual healing, astral travel, of body experiences are not the spiritual gifts of a select few.
Everyone perceives psychic information a little differently. Here you will learn the main ways your ESP and intuitive gifts can show up, along with how to hone and further develop your psychic gifts.
When you psychically listen, the information you tune in can seem to come from outside of you, such as when you hear another person speak.
Psychic hearing, however, is often much more subtle and can be as easy to shrug off as your own inner voice.
You can also hear your angels singing, and tune in to high-pitched tones or frequency vibrations along with auditory guidance, insight, and even warnings.
Clairvoyance or psychic vision is one of the most well-known psychic senses. However, it is also very misunderstood.
Psychically seeing does not necessarily mean having dramatic psychic visions, or seeing dead people as illustrated in Hollywood movies and on television.
The psychic vision is generally very subtle. You can receive information similar to how memory plays in your mind. You may also see symbols, colors, or shapes that hint at a deeper meaning.
Sometimes clairvoyance manifests as clear visions, such as seeing angels, ghosts, or dreaming and having a vision of the future.
Read about how to become clairvoyant here!
Clairsentience- Clear feeling
Clairvoyance is the ability to tune in to psychic information through feelings, emotions, and actual physical sensations.
Validation can come in the form of an overwhelming feeling of love or joy. A feeling of dread or just plain discomfort, on the other hand, can be a warning sign, or a "No" answer to a question.
You may also feel the presence of Spirit, your angels, your loved ones in Heaven, or even lower vibrating entities.
Click here to learn more about Clairsentience!
Claircognizance – Clear Knowledge
When you simply know that something is true, without any external evidence or knowing why you know it, you are tuning into the psychic sense of clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance, or the inner sense of knowing can be tuned to receive precise and specific messages and guidance from the spirit realms.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question, receive a shock of information, or simply tune in with a clear vision and understanding of the past, present, or future surrounding a situation.
This psychic sense is sometimes called prophecy when someone only knows deep and true divine guidance without any proof or validation.
More about Claircognizance here!
clairolfato – clear smell
When you smell things outside of your normal physical sense of smell, you are tuning into clarity.
Common scents include the perfume or smoke of a deceased loved one, the sweet floral scent of your angels, or a hopeful fragrance that propels you in the right direction.
In some cases, you can smell the putrid stench of a lie or deceit from a lower vibrational being.
Clairvoyance is a lesser-known psychic sense. It often appears in conjunction with another sense such as seeing, feeling, or knowing.
Learn more about Clairolfate here!
Clarigusto – Clear flavor
An internal sense of taste that is not tied to anything you have physically smelled or eaten is known as clairvoyance.
Have you ever heard the expression “it left a bad taste in my mouth”? This is a wonderful example of clairvoyance.
You can get a "bad taste in your mouth" as a warning to change your mindset, as a perception of a person or situation, or as a warning that you're headed down the wrong path. Other times a sweet taste will bring validation.
Departed loved ones sometimes use this inner sense as a calling card, and as a form of identification. So if your grandmother liked chocolate cake, you may have the inner sense and taste of the chocolate cake as a calling card that she is with you. Or, of course, if you're eating chocolate cake, that's an entirely different reason!
Develop Psychic Abilities Through these primary psychic senses, spiritual gifts such as intuition, psychometry, channeling, mediumship, telepathy, remote viewing, medical intuition, and more can be developed, honed, and experienced.
Everyone has the potential for psychic abilities, but for many, these abilities and skills have been blocked over the years by layers of density, thought, doubt, and limiting belief. The blessing in this is that the ability has been there all along, and with intention and persistence, psychic abilities can now be activated, developed, and awakened. Everyone has and can develop their psychic ability.
In saying this, however, I do not mean that everyone is destined to be a professional psychic or energy healer. If you are not attracted to psychic development at all, what attracts you to learn and create?
To fulfill your life purpose you may be more suited to learning tangible physical skills, if so, go with this!
But even if you are destined to work within the more tangible physical realms, by opening yourself up psychically you can enhance your other abilities, clearly know your path, and open yourself up to experiencing the higher consciousness of your multidimensional self regardless of whether you ever use this ability to "read » or « interpret » psychic information about others.
Psychic abilities can be learned and developed by everyone.
Everyone perceives psychic information a little differently. Here you will learn the main ways your ESP and intuitive gifts can show up, along with how to hone and further develop your psychic gifts.
Clairaudience – Clear hearing
When you psychically listen, the information you tune in can seem to come from outside of you, such as when you hear another person speak.
Psychic hearing, however, is often much more subtle and can be as easy to shrug off as your own inner voice.
You can also hear your angels singing, and tune in to high-pitched tones or frequency vibrations along with auditory guidance, insight, and even warnings.
Clairvoyance – Clear vision
Clairvoyance or psychic vision is one of the most well-known psychic senses. However, it is also very misunderstood.
Psychically seeing does not necessarily mean having dramatic psychic visions, or seeing dead people as illustrated in Hollywood movies and on television.
You may also be interested to learn about psychic here Absolutely Free Psychic Reading
Sometimes clairvoyance manifests as clear visions, such as seeing angels, ghosts, or dreaming and having a vision of the future.
Read about how to become clairvoyant here!
Clairsentience- Clear feeling
Clairvoyance is the ability to tune in to psychic information through feelings, emotions, and actual physical sensations.
Validation can come in the form of an overwhelming feeling of love or joy. A feeling of dread or just plain discomfort, on the other hand, can be a warning sign, or a "No" answer to a question.
You may also feel the presence of Spirit, your angels, your loved ones in Heaven, or even lower vibrating entities.
Click here to learn more about Clairsentience!
Claircognizance – Clear Knowledge
When you simply know that something is true, without any external evidence or knowing why you know it, you are tuning into the psychic sense of clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance, or the inner sense of knowing can be tuned to receive precise and specific messages and guidance from the spirit realms.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question, receive a shock of information, or simply tune in with a clear vision and understanding of the past, present, or future surrounding a situation.
This psychic sense is sometimes called prophecy when someone only knows deep and true divine guidance without any proof or validation.
More about Claircognizance here!
clairolfato – clear smell
When you smell things outside of your normal physical sense of smell, you are tuning into clarity.
Common scents include the perfume or smoke of a deceased loved one, the sweet floral scent of your angels, or a hopeful fragrance that propels you in the right direction.
In some cases, you can smell the putrid stench of a lie or deceit from a lower vibrational being.
Clairvoyance is a lesser-known psychic sense. It often appears in conjunction with another sense such as seeing, feeling, or knowing.
Learn more about Clairolfate here!
Clarigusto – Clear flavor
An internal sense of taste that is not tied to anything you have physically smelled or eaten is known as clairvoyance.
Have you ever heard the expression “it left a bad taste in my mouth”? This is a wonderful example of clairvoyance.
You can get a "bad taste in your mouth" as a warning to change your mindset, as a perception of a person or situation, or as a warning that you're headed down the wrong path. Other times a sweet taste will bring validation.
Departed loved ones sometimes use this inner sense as a calling card, and as a form of identification. So if your grandmother liked chocolate cake, you may have the inner sense and taste of the chocolate cake as a calling card that she is with you. Or, of course, if you're eating chocolate cake, that's an entirely different reason!
How to develop psychic abilities
Develop Psychic Abilities Through these primary psychic senses, spiritual gifts such as intuition, psychometry, channeling, mediumship, telepathy, remote viewing, medical intuition, and more can be developed, honed, and experienced.
Everyone has the potential for psychic abilities, but for many, these abilities and skills have been blocked over the years by layers of density, thought, doubt, and limiting belief. The blessing in this is that the ability has been there all along, and with intention and persistence, psychic abilities can now be activated, developed, and awakened. Everyone has and can develop their psychic ability.
In saying this, however, I do not mean that everyone is destined to be a professional psychic or energy healer. If you are not attracted to psychic development at all, what attracts you to learn and create?
To fulfill your life purpose you may be more suited to learning tangible physical skills, if so, go with this!
But even if you are destined to work within the more tangible physical realms, by opening yourself up psychically you can enhance your other abilities, clearly know your path, and open yourself up to experiencing the higher consciousness of your multidimensional self regardless of whether you ever use this ability to "read » or « interpret » psychic information about others.
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