Internet and technology have become the center of our lives, for better or worse. Every day we access the network for work, studies, leisure or simply to satisfy our curiosity. In this sense, web development has become one of the most important professional areas of today.
The development of web pages does not stop increasing. Like the information stored in the network.
On many occasions being on the net has become a matter of survival. If a company, or even an individual, does not appear in the search engine directly does not exist for the rest of the users. You can lose potential customers. Thus, the web developer is a fundamental figure.

The web developer's niche: sites don't stop growing

Graph of the evolution number of online websites since the beginning of the internet

In 1991 the first web page was posted on the web. On October 17, 2019, the date on which this entry was written, there were more than 1,721 million online web pages. Why don't you look here how many are there at the moment you are reading this article?

Since the birth of the World Wide Web (WWW) the growth of the network has been huge, except for some year in which the total number of online websites has declined slightly. More websites have been created in the last four years than in the first 24 years of WWW, since its birth in 1991.

A curious fact: although they do not stop developing new web pages, about 75% are abandoned or inactive. Diploma in web design and development

Users also increase

The same happens with the number of network users, which does not stop increasing day after day. This happens in a more pronounced way than with the number of websites. Since 1991 there has been no year in which its percentage has fallen.

There are currently more than 4 365 million users on the network. This means that around 40% of the world's population has access to the internet (in 2016). At the beginning of the millennium, there were just over 414 million users.

Exactly what is web development and what is it for?

Web development is the creation of web pages or the development of applications with web technology. The digital applications we use in our mobile devices are also part of this field of study.
 However, this is a very extensive type of work in which two areas are distinguished: frontend and backend development. The first is usually the object of web design work and the second of the web developer.

Web design and development. Is it the same?

The simple answer is that they are not the same. However, they are increasingly related.
The difference between the two is that the frontend uses a series of languages ​​aimed to a greater extent to the design of the web, to how the content is shown. While the backend is more related to direct programming to achieve the proper functioning of the web. In summary: the frontend developer is responsible for developing an interface that offers the user a real web experience; The developer backend to realize that design with a correct answer.

Frontend Developer Tools

Among the most prominent languages ​​are:

CSS is that of cascading style sheets. It gives the aesthetic format of a website based on the elements written in a marked language such as HTML. This difference between content and visual appearance on a website by emphasizing style. Shape the web. CSS and HTML are fully linked.

JavaScript: without this language, we could not understand the greatest virtue of the network today: interactivity. It can be executed without the need to install other programs for viewing. It also optimizes the way pages behave. Here the scripts are played in the user's browser and not on servers and works on Windows, MAC, and Linux.

HTML: is a hypertext markup language and the first one that began to be used in website development. This allows us to jump from one page to other thanks to hyperlinks. It also serves to describe the structure of a page and organize all its content.

Since its birth in 1989, when it only allowed programming text, it has evolved considerably to HTML 5. This latest version allows programming multimedia sites to squeeze the user experience.

What tools do you have to master to be a good backend developer?

Some of the ones that stand out are the following:

PHP: It is one of the essential open source languages ​​for web development and that can be embedded with HTML. It serves to add dynamism to pages whose content is not always the same. This is an interpreted programming language. That is, the user sends a request, the server receives it, collects the information and responds to the user with the standardized and static web page. WordPress uses PHP language.

Java: allows you to write the same code to run on any device. Therefore, it is characterized by the portability of language towards different architectures for all platforms. It is currently one of the most used languages ​​and acts on almost all platforms in the market.

MySQL: it is the most popular open-source database in the market. It also has a commercial version managed by the Oracle company. MySQL shapes and facilitates communication between websites and servers. It works with a large number of databases from which it stores information and organizes efficiently.

JQuery: in itself, it is not a programming language, but a series of JavaScript functions and methods. This library makes work easier when programmed with JavaSript. One of the main qualities of JQuery is that when programming you do not have to worry about the type of browser used.

Towards a full-stack profile: study web development and design

The full-stack profile is one that combines knowledge in backend and frontend and that at least manages the five basic programming languages: HTML, CSS PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL.

For the teacher of CEI: design school, Diego Páez, possessing knowledge of both frontend and backend, aimed at a full-stack profile, are skills highly demanded by companies today. "It becomes indispensable for designers and programmers and anyone who wants to work in the world of technologies," says Páez.

Study web design and web development in Madrid

For Diego Páez today "it is very important to study HTML and CSS because they are some of the fastest-growing tools in the labor market." Where to study web development? Paez is clear: "in CEI we focus on practical training adapting to the labor market to ensure success for our students." Focusing studies on theoretical and practical matters is a good strategy when looking for a job.

CEI: School of Design offers a wide variety of training courses in this regard and facilities to take advantage of them properly. For this, it has schools in Madrid and Seville and online web development courses, among many others.


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