15 acronyms you should know

Everyone loves to use codes, abbreviations, acronyms, and acronyms that are tools that facilitate communication and make it more fun, especially when you are typing from a smartphone. In English, you can't avoid them.

Here are 15 acronyms that you will come across frequently and every English speaker should know.

First, a small accordion.

The abbreviations are shortened versions of words and always end with a point. For example adj. - adjective; Mr. - sir.

The initials are those formed by the initials or words first letters of a phrase used to refer shorthand to organizations, institutions, companies, objects, etc. For example SRE - Ministry of Foreign Relations.

The acronym s are a type of abbreviation pronounced as a word, is formed using the first letter of each word in a sentence. For example NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

1. RSVP - Please reply

Of French origin, RSVP means “Répondez s'il vous plait” (please reply) . You will see this request on invitations to weddings and other formal events. And yes, please answer, that way the bride or host will know how many salmon steaks to order.

2. ASAP - As soon as possible

"Can you get this in ASAP?" (as soon as possible) says the email of your boss. Depending on the project, this may or may not cause you to panic - but in any case, you don't have much time to think.

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3. AM / PM –Before midday (morning) and after midday (afternoon)

There is a big difference between 5 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon, this is what the acronyms A. M and PM are for Remember that they are not used in the 24-hour format (6:00 a.m. is the same as 18: 00 hrs). Be careful when setting your alarm, a "morning" alarm at 7 pm. m is useless.

4. LMK - Let me know

Casual, informal - perfect to end a message. LMK (let me know) says you are waiting for a confirmation or more information.

5. BRB - Be right back

Sometimes when you're texting, you have to turn your attention to something else: someone knocking on the door, your mom calling you, or an irresistible coffee craving. Don't worry - tell your friend BRB (I'll be right back).

6. DOB - Date of birth

"What is my DOB?" (date of birth) maybe you asked yourself this the first time you saw these acronyms. After all, it sounds like a rare medicine. Well, I assure you, you have a DOB - we all do. You probably celebrate it every year with a cake, ice cream, and hats.

7. CC / BCC - Carbon copy / blind carbon copy

Although it is a term used in e-mails, these terms got their name from analogous years, when copies were made on carbon paper. Etiquette tip: When you put an email in the CC field everyone can see who received a copy of the email. (DO NOT click "answer all" unless you REALLY want to.)

8. TBA / TBC- To be announced / To be confirmed

Remember your friend whose wedding invitation needed an ASAP RSVP? Be careful, it says the place is TBA (to be announced) or TBC boyfriend (to be confirmed). That doesn't mean you don't have everything organized

9. ETA - Estimated time of arrival

"See you on Tuesday, ETA 9 PM." (approximate time of arrival) You might see this when someone is traveling and not sure when their flight is landing.

10. TGIF - Thank God it's Friday

The song of all employees around the world every Friday afternoon - The weekend is here!

11. FOMO - Fear of missing out

With the weekend the FOMO can arrive (fear of missing something). Imagine: You were asked out, but you don't feel like going. At the same time, you don't know if it will be fun and you may regret missing it. So you agonize over what to do.

12. IMO - In my opinion (or IMHO - In my humble opinion)

We all have opinions. This is how you express them. (in my humble opinion).

13. N / A - Not available / Not applicable

Use this when you are filling out a form to indicate that a specific section does not apply to you. ( Not available / Not applicable)

14. AKA - Also known as

This beauty is used to refer to something or someone by another name. For example, your new little brother “This is Eddie, aka 'The poop machine'”, or as Chile calls one of the most beloved footballers, Alexis Sanchez, aka 'El Niño Maravilla'. (also know as)

15. DIY - Do it yourself

People interested in doing something on their own instead of hiring a professional exist everywhere. From fixing electronics or making furniture to renovating their homes. As you can imagine DIY projects (Do It Yourself) can be wonderful things or disasters.


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