3 Tips for Making Your Grocery List Effectively

Do you tend to go to the grocery store several times a week because you forgot something? It has been my case for a long time. It was only the day I decided to go back to school while working full time that I had to learn to plan my time better. And who says planning better, also says changing habits that made me waste time, including going to the grocery store several times a week. So I greatly improved the way I make my grocery list, which allows me to go there only once a week. So I share with you my 3 main tips that will allow you to make an effective grocery list.

Have a table or list at all times

At home, I have a blackboard on the wall where I write down what I need to buy at the grocery store. That way, when I finish a bottle of soy sauce, for example, I write it on my board. Otherwise, it is certain and certain that I will not remember it when I make my grocery list.

Check the ingredient list of the menu recipes

I always prepared a list before I went to the grocery store, but I wrote it down without even knowing what I was going to cook during the week, which is not super-efficient. Now, before I make it, I check the ingredient list of all the recipes I'm going to cook in the week. So I can check what I have or don't have and write the missing foods on my list.

Another tip: when I consult the recipes, I always write on my list the quantity required for certain ingredients, in particular meat and liquids. For example, if I need tomato sauce, I will write "tomato sauce 681 ml", so I'm sure I'm buying the right amount. I do the same with the weight of meat, fruits, and vegetables, etc.

Make your grocery list according to the store layout

Grocery stores are pretty much all made the same way. We enter the fruit and vegetable department, then the bakery, the butcher and the fishmonger, the aisles, etc. To avoid forgetting items on my grocery list, I have made a habit of writing down what I need to buy in the order of the grocery department (if possible). Like that, I follow my list while walking around the grocery store. This little trick is also very practical when it is my boyfriend who is going to do the grocery shopping…

In addition, I have noticed that when I am in a hurry to go to the grocery store or when I am not alone, I always forget things. So I try to go there alone when I can go there without hurrying, even if I have to admit that with the children, the work, the hobbies of each, it is not always easy. best grocery shop online Grocery Shopping in Bangladesh 

To conclude, making a good grocery list will surely take you a few minutes. However, these are paid minutes, because it is proven that making your list can save money, provided of course that you buy only what is written on it. Want to save more? I invite you to consult my article presenting 5 tips to save at the grocery store without depriving yourself.


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