15 acronyms you should know
Everyone loves to use codes, abbreviations, acronyms, and acronyms that are tools that facilitate communication and make it more fun, especially when you are typing from a smartphone. In English, you can't avoid them. Here are 15 acronyms that you will come across frequently and every English speaker should know. First, a small accordion. The abbreviations are shortened versions of words and always end with a point. For example adj. - adjective; Mr. - sir. The initials are those formed by the initials or words first letters of a phrase used to refer shorthand to organizations, institutions, companies, objects, etc. For example SRE - Ministry of Foreign Relations. The acronym s are a type of abbreviation pronounced as a word, is formed using the first letter of each word in a sentence. For example NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1. RSVP - Please reply Of French origin, RSVP means “Répondez s'il vous plait” (please reply) . You will see this request on invit...