How to activate a path as a clipping path in Photoshop

Once we have drawn, named and saved the path with which we want to silhouette, we must mark it as a clipping path: We must select the path that we want to activate as a clipping path (to click on its name in the " Trazados" palette) ) and then go to the submenu " Trazado de recorte…" in the palette " Trazados". If there were several paths we could choose the one we wanted. In the dialog box that appears we will see two options: " Trazado: …" and " Curvature:… pĂxeles del dispositivo". In the first case, simply indicate the name of the chosen path. When in doubt, in a high-resolution image for printing, a value of 6 pixels is appropriate. The reason for choosing these numbers is very well explained on another page by Peter Fink. The right formats Now we must save the image in a format valid for printing that recognizes the clipping paths. That comes down to five formats. each has its advantages and disadvantages: EPS: The "conservat...